Hello and welcome. Aloha has negotiated a special price for you to access my songs, on the Aloha curriculum, to help your child learn English. Play these songs in the car and allow your child to have free access to them at home. He or she will then hopefully play them spontaneously and learn the English language much faster.
If you would like to listen to extracts from my albums, you will find full information on my official songs page. But come back here to order, since only on this page will you receive your “Aloha” special discount.
Option A: Download Songs 1 plus Karaoke Version Audio. Order here.
Option B: Prefer a CD? Get one directly from Aloha.
Option A: Download Songs 2 plus Karaoke Version Audio. Order here.
Option B: Prefer a CD? Get one directly from Aloha.
Option A: Download Songs 3 and Karaoke Version Audio. Order here.
Option B: Prefer a CD? Get one directly from Aloha.
If you have any questions, I am here to help: info@teachingenglishgames.com.
All the best
Shelley Ann Vernon