Hetty and the Lion Part Three
Welcome to this preschool story activities post. This post is the third in the series to teach preschool children English, including games, activities, and a story. If you have missed the first two parts, here they are:
Part one – Hetty lesson plan with games
Part Two – Hetty and the Lion story
Revision and Preschool Story Activities
Here are some games for revision and speaking practice as the children become more confident with the vocabulary and language.
1. Tasting game
If you are fortunate enough to have natural fruits readily available, bring them in and play a blindfold tasting game. Be careful to wash the fruits and your hands carefully beforehand and cut the fruits into small pieces. You can give the children the black and white pictures to colour while doing that. Alternatively, prepare the fruit in advance. Blindfold one child and feed them a piece of fruit on a spoon. The child must guess what fruit it is. This activity is only suitable for small groups unless you have an assistant to help you get through the children faster.
2. Make a fruit salad
If you are fortunate to have the facilities to make a real fruit salad, it is always a popular activity. Make sure there is plenty of fruit-naming as you put them in the bowl and eat them afterwards.
Once the fruit salad is made, play any game, and each time a child has a turn, they eat a spoonful. However, you will have to serve them yourself in a separate dish as these days everybody is paranoid about germs, and you can’t be too careful with other people’s children.
3. Hot Potato
Seat the children in a circle and hand out the different fruits at intervals around the ring. Then, play music while children pass the fruits around the circle. When you suddenly stop the music, the children holding fruit stand up, shout out the name of the fruit they are holding and give it to another child in the circle. Next, start the music again and repeat until you feel you have had enough.
4. Chanting game
First, have the children chant or sing these simple words: Bananas, oranges, apples, and pears – four times in a row. The trick is to say the four lines in a sing-song type way. Have the intonation go up at the end of lines one and three and down at lines two and four. It is better to make up a simple tune or use one you already know and put these words to it.
So, seat pupils in a circle with eyes closed. One child stands outside the ring holding a fruit. The whole group sing or chant the four lines while the child with the fruit walks around and secretly puts the fruit behind any child in the circle. When the song or chant is over, everyone feels behind their back to see if the fruit is there. The one who has it jumps up and runs around the circle, trying to catch the child who placed it behind them. The other child runs around the ring and sits down in their chaser’s place. Repeat until as many children have had a go as is possible.
If you have a big group, cut the chant down to two lines and have a chasing session every two lines instead of every four to speed things up.
5. Would you like?
First, practise saying, “Would you like some milk?” in unison a few times. Next, count the children in with a one-two. Then, hold up a picture of the apples and count the children in again, but this time they must ask, “Would you like some apples?” Have a go with each food picture. This activity should take two to three minutes.
Now you are ready to play a question and answer game with music. First, play music while pupils dance around. Then, stop the music and hold up a picture card of one of the food items from the story. Count the children in and ask the question with them. If the children can do it on their own so much the better, you can answer them with, “yes, I would,” or “no, thank you.”
6. Role Play
Role-play one of the best preschool story activities. Use it once pupils are familiar with the story and are ready to use short phrases.
Sit your group down and tell them to pretend to be in a restaurant. Select a child to be the waiter. If possible, give them a tea towel and tray as props. First, the waiter comes up to the group and asks them, “would you like some milk?” “Oh yes please,” the group replies. Next, the waiter goes off, selects the correct flashcard, and brings it back to the table. Finally, swap the waiter over and let another child have a go. Use natural fruit rather than flashcards if available.

7. Shopping race
Divide pupils into two groups and give each child a fruit or food item to buy. At the other end of the room are two shops, one for each team. Place your two best students in each of the shops. On the word go, the first child from each team runs down to the shop, and the shop assistant asks them, “Would you like some bananas?” The child shopping replies, “oh yes please,” if their picture is of bananas and “no, thank you” if it is something else.
You can vary how you play with this idea. For example, allow the shop assistant to see the flashcard so that all the shopping is done quickly, which anyway is best for three-year-olds. Or, allow the shop assistant three guesses, and if none of those guesses are of the picture in the flashcard, the shopper shows their card and buys the item.
Preschool Story Activities Book
There are many more ideas in my preschool games book that accompanies the stories. I hope that you can see how much fun and how satisfying teaching English can be. If you order the entire package of lesson plans with all ten stories, you will have the first part of a curriculum for kindergarten. Then, add the songs and the PowerPoints with audio by native speakers to finish it off!
Save massively on lesson preparation time
What a difference to this teacher’s preparation!
‘I wanted to let you know that I started using your course last Monday – what a difference it has made to my preparation! Instead of absolutely dreading the preparation, I actually enjoy it now!!! I have just prepared the second lesson for tomorrow morning and am looking forward to going there. I feel much more confident now.’
Ruth Gerull, Braunschweig, Germany
Keep me posted
Let me know how you get along with these preschool story activities. If you are on my mailing list, I shall email you again soon with more ideas to use after storytelling, particularly with more speaking ideas.
Order the complete teaching kit of ten stories to make your kindergarten English lessons fun and effective.
Kind regards
Shelley Ann Vernon
Songs 1 (audio + video + masks + activities)
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ESL Preschool Stories 1-10 Teaching Kit + PowerPoints
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Preschool Story Activities Resources
P.S. Order the teaching kit today to be on the safe side in case the price goes up soon.
A complete teaching kit of lesson plans, games, flashcards, and stories for preschool English language learners
- 96 colour illustrations over ten stories
- Black and white sketches for colouring
- Dozens of colour flashcards to pre-teach vocabulary used in the stories
- Over one hundred ideas for games and activities to use in lessons
- Quiet games, games with movement, games with music, fingerplays, and rhymes
- PLUS 16 different bingo sets of the vocabulary used in the stories!