
Teaching vocabulary to kids

A classroom board with words, words, words written in chalk

Some teachers have this problem when teaching vocabulary to kids: “I need activities for teaching, reinforcing and expanding vocabulary for primary school kids. Chinese teachers are not fond of games, so I need your help. Have you got any books on teaching vocabulary to kids?”

Yes, I do have books on teaching vocabulary to kids, games books. But the teacher asking this question doesn’t think he can use games, so how can you teach vocabulary without games?

Ways to teach vocabulary to kids

a. You could write words on the board for kids to copy and ask them to learn the vocabulary for homework.

b. You could give kids lots of worksheets to fill in and hope they remember them.

c. You could hope kids will learn vocabulary by sitting in class while you go through the textbook.

Sorry, please excuse me while I yawn and slap myself to stay awake in class.

A graphic reading Good luck with that, you are going to need it

Better ways to teach vocabulary

Good luck with those methods. You are going to need it! Instead of those boring suggestions, you’ll achieve better results if you actively teach vocabulary. Having kids copy words off the board isn’t teaching! You want to present new vocab so that kids hear it repeatedly and, of course, understand the meaning. Then, kids need to practise saying the words, preferably by heart. Next, it can be helpful to show them how to spell and write them. Finally, revise everything!

If you don’t use games for this, your classes will be so boring I don’t think anyone will stay awake in them. Either that or kids will be reading novels under the desk to keep from going mental with boredom. The good news is that any of my games can become drills. You don’t have to have any “game” elements. The Chinese teachers won’t know it’s a game if you tell them it’s a drill or an exercise.

Example vocabulary games

For example, in my game “Jump the Line,” kids jump from left to right depending on which side of a line the picture is. This basic listening game is helpful to introduce and drill new vocabulary. Kids hear the words over and over, associated with an image, so they learn the meaning of new words and how they sound. To use this in a school where games are disapproved of, skip the jumping. Instead, keep kids seated and have them point to the left and right in silence. Gradually speed up, getting faster and faster. The kids will have to concentrate and listen, and in doing so, will learn the words much more than passively looking at them in a book.

Now move on to a speaking drill. Hot Potato is a great speaking drill but might look like too much of a game to some. Therefore, instead of passing potatoes, pass vocabulary flashcards. Students hand a picture to a neighbour and say the word. However, do not use the written words because students will just read the word on the card and make no effort to remember it.

Kids should be active learners

The above ideas are a much more active way of teaching than reading from a book and copying from the board. Of course, at first, the teacher has to work harder, but the results are much better, job satisfaction is much greater, and pupils’ motivation is much higher, so it’s worth it! Therefore, to be an inspirational teacher, you have to use games, sorry, ‘drills and exercises’ to teach vocabulary. Otherwise, you’ll have to rely on your students to learn it for themselves.

Great resources to teach vocabulary to kids fast!

To enjoy your teaching and help your pupils, use my games books for different ages, in classes, one to one, and online.

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